Dance Costumes & Makeup | Pembroke MA

Dance Costumes

Class dance costumes are required for the June performance. Students are measured in November and parents pick the appropriate size for their child’s costume using charts provided by the individual costume companies. Miss Kathleen is happy to guide you in this decision making process.

Costumes must be paid for in full by December 15th so they can be ordered to arrive in time for picture day and show. The costume order is placed in early January for all students in good standing. Costumes will not be ordered for those with outstanding balances.

Dance Costumes are available for pick up in late May upon receipt of June tuition and any outstanding balance. There are no refunds on tuition or costumes. There are additional fees for any and all costumes that require an exchange due to size. Fees vary for each costume company, minimum exchange fee $15.00 plus shipping.

Performance Makeup

General Division dancers require minimal make-up for performances. Our goal is to provide them the performance experience in a fun and nurturing atmosphere. We recommend” feel good make-up” such as body glitter and Chap Stick. We do ask that their hair is in a bun and we are happy to assist you with this.

Our more experienced dancers will be provided a make-up list and instruction as to application. Again, we strive to provide a performance experience and make-up is appropriate for the age of the dancers and complimentary to the performance piece.

Junior Company, Senior Company and Team dancers will receive a make-up list and instructions as well.

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